Organise a side event

1. About you
Lead organisation *
This is the organisation which will lead in organising this side event.
Contact name *
The main contact person we should liaise with about this session (probably you!).
Contact email *
Your email address.

2. About your side event
Title of the event *
Description *
Describe the session in no more than 2000 characters (about 300 words).
Associated conference theme *
Date and time *
Tell us when your event will take place (not at exactly the same time as our conference, please!).
Location *
Tell us the approximate location (city, country) of your event, or if it's online, just type 'online'.
Web link
If you already have a webpage about this event, put the link here. If not, just leave it blank.

When you click the button, this pop-up window will close. You’ll then receive an email confirming your submission within a few minutes. If it doesn’t show up, please check your spam or junk folder before contacting us.

We will store and use the details you submit in this form only for the purposes of communicating with you about your side event, and for administering the event. We won’t use them for any other purpose.