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Andrea Emilio Rizzoli and Manuel Kugler on AI in science and science advice

Andrea Emilio Rizzoli and Manuel Kugler on AI in science and science advice

Science for Policy podcast episode

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About this episode

Broadcast on

3 June 2024


Show notes

This is probably the last podcast in the world to get round to talking about how AI is changing the world -- but we wanted to wait until we had the right people in the room to talk specifically about AI in relation to science, policy, and science-for-policy. If you like this conversation with Professor Andrea Rizzoli and Manuel Kugler -- and you will like it! -- stay tuned in the coming months, because we've got more AI-themed episodes up our sleeves.

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2. About your proposal
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One-sentence description *
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Longer description *
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Names and genders of speakers and moderators *
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Interactivity *

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