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18 July 2024
'CERN for AI’: the devil is in the detail, say science advisors
“We advised in April that a distributed model would bring many advantages and avoid some of the pitfalls of a single monolithic entity.” says Prof. Nicole Grobert
16 April 2024
We need new European institute for AI in science, our science advisors say
The advice addresses both the opportunities and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in science.
8 February 2024
Survey for early- and mid-career researchers
SAPEA is working to increase the participation of early- and mid-career researchers in high-level science and policy advice to the European Union.
3 November 2023
EASAC to be hosted by Austrian Academy
From 2024, the Austrian Academy of Sciences will host the headquarters of EASAC, an observer network in SAPEA.
24 July 2023
How to be ready for wildfires
An interview with Thomas Elmqvist, Professor of Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre and one of the world’s most cited scientists.
28 June 2023
Consumers shouldn't be responsible alone for sustainable food consumption
A group of top scientists from across Europe have advised the European Commission on how to transform European food consumption to become healthier and more sustainable.
24 January 2023
Interview with the president of YASAS
An interview with the president of YASAS.
14 December 2022
Circular Economy Package II
The European Commission's Circular Economy Package II clearly refers to the work of the Scientific Advice Mechanism on biodegradability of plastics.
12 December 2022
COP15 international science advisors' statement
27 international science advisers called on governments to commit to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and to invest in actions with beneficial effects on biodiversity.
22 November 2022
Europe needs better, more strategic crisis management, according to independent scientific and ethics advisors
The European Union is dealing with an increasing number of complex, overlapping cross-border crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
12 October 2022
YASAS members elected a new board
The Young Academies Science Advice Structure (YASAS) has officially joined the SAPEA project as a new network member.
24 May 2022
YASAS is joining the SAPEA project
The Young Academies Science Advice Structure (YASAS) has officially joined the SAPEA project as a new network member.


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