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Cross-sectoral evidence-based governance for One Health in the EU

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The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors has been asked to make evidence-based policy recommendations to support the EU's position on One Health.

One Health is defined by the United Nations as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognises [that] the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent”.

Given the complexity of the issues related to the potential application of One Health related policy in the European context, the EU should consider its strategy carefully. Policy makers need to take stock of all appropriate risks and potential opportunities, as well as of the implementation of appropriate governance structures to facilitate its application throughout the European Union.

The main question to be answered by scientific advice from the SAM is:

“Considering a complex policy area, i.e. One Health, what forms of management and cross-sectoral collaborations are best suited to ensure that synergies, possible trade-offs, and unintended consequences are taken into account?”

The scientific advice will support the successful implementation of policies deriving from a One Health approach.

Scientific advice

Requested by

Delivery date

Autumn 2024

Supports UN sustainable development goals

Good health and wellbeing
Responsible consumption and production
Life below water
Life on land

This defines the specific questions that are asked to the Scientific Advice Mechanism. It is developed by the European Commission in consultation with the Commission services responsible for the policy area in question.


13 November 2023
One Health conference
In-person event with streaming
The event will address the importance of adopting an interconnected approach to health by acknowledging the interdependencies between human, animal, plant and environmental health to better prevent, detect, prepare for and respond to global health threats at global and EU levels.
Uncle SAM

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