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May 2018

Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies

Carbon capture and utilisation may be part of a circular economy scheme where carbon atoms are recycled and reused indefinitely over a long time scale. However, it is neither an indispensable element, nor is it sufficient to contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of climate change.

CCU technologies aim to extract carbon dioxide from either concentrated sources or directly from ambient air, and then use it as a raw material for carbon-containing products, such as fuels, chemical products, and building materials.

Our advice explores whether CCU technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of climate change and identifies a need for innovation in policy domains, and from systemic and technology perspectives.

The key conclusions are:

  • Measures, regulations and incentives should be used to examine the energy system (including CCU) in a holistic, integrated, coordinated and transparent manner.
  • A systemic approach is required when evaluating the energy system and CCU systems, and further development is needed in stakeholder awareness and consistency of definitions.
  • Key technological challenges must be tackled in the areas of collection and purification of CO2 from different sources, synthesis of green-hydrogen and technologies for carbon dioxide conversion to fuels and chemicals.

Scientific advice

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Delivery date

23 May 2018

Supports EU mission

Adaptation to climate change
Climate-neutral and smart cities

Supports UN sustainable development goals

Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action

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The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors responds to the request for advice from the European Commission.

Their policy recommendations are based on the best available scientific evidence.

Carbon capture and utilisation SO cover
Bibliographic information
Cite as
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, (2018). Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies, Publications Office.


23 May 2018
SAPEA provides evidence for the European Commission on Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies
SAPEA  has published its second Evidence Review Report titled Novel Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies: research and climate aspects. The report explores whether Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of climate change.
5 August 2017
New topic: Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies - research and climate aspects
SAPEA experts from across Europe are contributing their knowledge and expertise on this topic.


11 July 2018
ESOF 2018
In-person event
As part of the Euro Science Open Forum 2018, the Scientific Advice Mechanism presented its newly published Evidence Review Report and Scientific Opinion.
10 May 2018
Carbon capture and utilisation technologies: research and climate aspects
In-person event
Presenters will explore the circumstances in which the capture and utilisation of CO2 for the production of fuels, chemicals and materials can bring climate benefits, and their overall potential to mitigate climate change in the medium and long term.
9 April 2018
Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies
In this public symposium, speakers will discuss the (im)possibilities and opportunities offered by CO2 reuse.


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