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June 2019

Transforming the future of ageing

In Europe and around the world, people are living longer than ever before. This is one of the greatest achievements of the past century, but it also brings challenges for European societies and the EU as a whole.

SAPEA’s evidence review report shows that the ageing process needs to be transformed. Europe must tackle the challenges presented by ageing in every generation.

When it comes to predicting how people age, evidence indicates that genetic factors are relatively minor compared to lifestyle behaviours such as a healthy diet and physical activity. Policies to promote these behaviours from early childhood, and even in unborn children, contribute directly to a healthy ageing process across people’s whole lives.

Ageing in the future will take place in a very different context from the past and will be profoundly affected by phenomena such as climate change, air pollution and antibiotic resistance, as well as ongoing social changes. Policies will only be successful if they accommodate these changes.

Technology is already changing the experience of ageing, including wearable and assistive devices and the advent of AI. But barriers of acceptance and practicality must be overcome.

Education improvements at a young age are vital not only to improve individual health, but also to equip our future workforce with the skills it needs to support an ageing population in a rapidly changing society.

Scientific advice

Delivery date

27 June 2019

Supports UN sustainable development goals

Good health and wellbeing
Reduced inequalities

The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors responds to the request for advice from the European Commission.

Their policy recommendations are based on the best available scientific evidence.

Future of ageing letter of endorsement
Bibliographic information
No rights reserved (CC0)
Cite as
European Commission Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (2020). Transforming the future of ageing: Letter of endorsement.


4 October 2019
SAPEA report on the future of ageing handed over to Advisors
On Tuesday, 1 October the SAPEA evidence review "Transforming the future of ageing" was officially handed over to Pearl Dykstra from the Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors during an event at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Madrid. The event coincided with the International Day of Older Persons. This year’s theme was ‘The Journey to Age Equality’ and focused on pathways of coping with existing, and preventing future, old age inequalities.


4 September 2020
Policy implications of Transforming the Future of Ageing
Online event
This webinar will consider the policy implications of the Transforming the Future of Ageing report and possible next steps.
4 November to 
6 November 2019
Ageing: from basic science to policy advice
In-person event
The event is dedicated to reviewing and discussing the multifaceted aspects of the ageing process.
1 October 2019
Ageing in Madrid
In-person event with streaming
The recent SAPEA report Transforming the future of ageing will be a starting point for discussion during an event co-organised by SAPEA and the Royal Academy of Medicine in Spain.
23 July 2019
Transforming the future of ageing (Israel)
In-person event
What policies at the EU level could support the Member States in achieving inclusive, fair and sustainable systems of health and social care and promote the taking-up of innovation for ageing societies?
27 June 2019
Transforming the future of ageing (France)
In-person event
What policies at the EU level could support the Member States in achieving inclusive, fair and sustainable systems of health and social care and promote the taking-up of innovation for ageing societies?
20 June 2019
Transforming the future of ageing (Romania)
In-person event
What policies at the EU level could support the Member States in achieving inclusive, fair and sustainable systems of health and social care and promote the taking-up of innovation for ageing societies?


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Policy impact
Developing and strengthening services to achieve an integrated continuum of long-term care in Türkiye
Kuh D.; Blodgett J.M. (2024). COVID-19 across the life course. The Social Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Lindner-Rabl S.; Singler K.; Polidori M.C.; Herzog C.; An... (2023). Effectiveness of multi-professional educational interventions to train Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) – a Systematic Review. International Journal of Integrated Care.
Policy impact
Multimorbidität - Living Guideline
Germany (in German)
Policy impact
Från forskning till konkurrenskraft. From research to competitiveness
Sweden (in Swedish)
Policy impact
Förutsättningarna för deeptech i Sverige. The conditions for deep-tech in Sweden.
Sweden (in Swedish)
O'Donnell D.; Ahern E.; Davies C.; De Brún A.; Donnelly S... (2023). A realist process evaluation of an intervention to promote competencies in interprofessional collaboration among interdisciplinary integrated care teams for older people: Study protocol.. HRB Open Research.
Media coverage
Capgeris: Mettre de l'humanité dans les soins aux seniors à domicile
France (in French)
Schlögl M., Roller-Wirnsberger R.E., Hernes S.S., Perkisa... (2022). Teaching geriatric medicine through gamification: a tool for enhancing postgraduate education in geriatric medicine. Aging Clinical & Experimental Research.
McGarrigle C.A., Ward M., Kenny R.A. (2022). Negative aging perceptions & cognitive & functional decline: Are you as old as you feel?. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Uncle SAM

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