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Healthy cities, but for whom? Thinking cities through the lens of One Health

Healthy cities, but for whom? Thinking cities through the lens of One Health

Event details

This event is in the past.

Start time

6 November 2024 13:15

End time

6 November 2024 15:00

Time zone


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One Health governance
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In-person event
Engaging exchange with two experts on the One Health approach, aiming to: Encourage audience discussion on One Health and its implications, explore governance for healthy and promote the SAM, the role of academies in the SAM, and the One Health for Cities project.

One expert from the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the EC (Finnish Research Council, Suomen Akatemia) and a representative of the City of Munich will challenge your vision of healthy cities and provide insights on how the One Health approach can be implemented from the European to the city level.

Uncle SAM

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