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IIASA Connect coffee talk debate: for and against AI in research

IIASA Connect coffee talk debate: for and against AI in research

Event details

This event is in the past.

Start time

25 September 2024 14:00

End time

25 September 2024 15:00

Time zone


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AI in science
AI in science key image
Online event
This debate-style event on AI in research will be structured to encourage a lively and engaging discussion, with two teams representing opposing views on the use of AI in academic research.

The discussions will be inspired by a recent advice issued by the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission on the request of the College of Commissioners. Two reports focusing on a question ‘How can the European Commission accelerate a responsible uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science (including providing access to high-quality Al, respecting European Values) in order to boost the EU's innovation and prosperity, strengthen the EU's position in science, and ultimately contribute to solving Europe's societal challenges?”

Propose a parallel session

1. About you
Lead organisation *
This is the organisation which will lead in organising this session, if the proposal is successful.
Contact name *
The main contact person we should liaise with about this session (probably you!).
Contact email *
Your email address.
Partner organisations
List any other organisations you're partnering with for this proposal. (No need to include contact details. We will only contact the lead organisation.)

2. About your proposal
Title of the parallel session *
One-sentence description *
Quickly describe the session in a single sentence (max 500 characters).
Longer description *
Describe the session in no more than 2000 characters (about 300 words).
Names and genders of speakers and moderators *
Please list your intended speakers (including moderator, chair, host, whatever) and their genders. They don't have to be confirmed yet. We don't need full biographies, just name and job title.
Associated conference theme *
Interactivity *

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