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Fred Fenter and Stephan Kuster on the scientific community’s response to COVID-19

Fred Fenter and Stephan Kuster on the scientific community’s response to COVID-19

Science for Policy podcast episode

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Broadcast on

22 February 2021


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What does the worldwide scientific community think of how science advice was used in 2020? What impact have lockdown, home-working and the race for a vaccine had on the life and work of individual scientists? Have other areas of science-related policy, such as climate change, been boosted or sidelined since COVID?

Fred Fenter and Stephan Kuster discuss these questions with Toby Wardman of SAPEA. We also discuss whether a worldwide crisis helps or hinders the cause of open access publishing, whether it has made the scientific community more connected or more disjointed, and why giving public science advice is a risky and often thankless task.

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