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Lene Topp and Florian Schwendinger on competences for policymaking and advice

Lene Topp and Florian Schwendinger on competences for policymaking and advice

Science for Policy podcast episode

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Broadcast on

20 June 2022


Show notes

We know that being a science advisor for policymaking requires a set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that are often very different from those that come with being a researcher. And the same is true for policymakers, who also need to adopt new ways of working and thinking to integrate the evidence base into their work. Wouldn't it be nice if some kindhearted individuals took it upon themselves to comb through the literature to identify, list and organise all these essential competences, and then shared them with the community in an easily accessible format?
Oh look! Here come Lene Topp and Florian Schwendinger of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre!

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